Metal Offcuts and Remnants

Metal Offcuts and Remnants is brought to you by EliteForm Manufacturing

Eliteform has been producing industrial and farming materials for over 40 years.

Now we are branching out. Offering matierals at a reduced price and give a hobbyist and craftperson the option of buying smaller amounts of our products.

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Based on the outskirts of Dundalk Co.Louth

We sell Metal Remnants and Offcuts at a discounted price than the market. take a look at our catalogue

  • We proudly are a member of REPAK, this allows us to be part of leading recycling and sustainability of Irelands packaging waste. Moving towards a new circular economy where we are ourselves and our consumers can reduce their packaging waste.

  • Guaranteed Irish symbol is awarded to 'indigenous and international companies operating in Ireland which provide quality jobs, support local communities and are committed to Irish provenance.'

  • NSAI Quality

    NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) is Ireland’s official standards body, NSAI aims to inspire consumer confidence and create the infrastructure for products and services to be recognized and relied on, all over the world.

  • NSAI Environment

    Eliteform are always conscious of our environmental footprint and want to promote sustainable development. Working with The Environmental Management Systems (EMS) we have reached their standards to identify and control activities that will have an environmental impact going forward!